Here at Carbyon, we do things a little differently. With a mission to reinvent our atmosphere and reverse climate change, we have to be different. In a series that explores the heart and soul of our new-age company, get to know the people behind our trailblazing tech as they tell us what life with a startup is really like.

“We’re idealists united by a clear vision. We don’t compromise on that vision, but we’re always ready to embrace change to get there!”
Luuk van Voorst, Modeling Engineer
At Carbyon, days are framed by discovery and hours filled with puzzles. We jump from the drawing board and back to reach answers without compromise. It takes a unique species to thrive in that kind of environment, but for Modeling Engineer, Luuk, it’s all part of the fun. “We explore the interplay between chemistry, physics, software, mechanical and electrical engineering”, says Luuk. “I really like the way it all comes together in modeling. It’s fascinating.”
It’s Luuk’s role to predict the performance of Carbyon’s machines in two ways within a cycle of modeling and testing. “We digitally model the physics and chemistry behind our processes, then design and build the setups that validate them. It’s a cycle that gives us constant questions and answers. We need those questions to get to the very best performing machine.
“My background is in mechanical engineering, it’s really broad, but that helps me to challenge my team; ask why we take certain routes and not others.”
Passionate about progress “I see climate change as an equation we can solve”
Like everyone at Carbyon, Luuk is sustainably-minded. He tries to reduce his carbon footprint by cutting down on meat intake and avoiding flying. “I opt not to fly if I can drive to my destination within a day, but there are times that’s unrealistic. For example, if I needed to travel to the US to install Carbyon machines, of course I would.”
For Luuk, creating a truly sustainable world isn’t all about changing behaviors: “we should be mindful of our habits, but I believe the ambition should be much bigger than that.
“I’m rational, I tend to look at everything through facts. That’s also why I’m passionate about climate change. When I see changes in temperature and CO₂ curves over time, I see cause and effect. It’s almost like an equation that can be balanced.
“No one is ready to give up prosperity, and we can, and should, engineer solutions that mean we don't have to. I’m an engineer, I want to make technologies that allow us to live prosperously and sustainably at the same time.
“That’s effectively what we’re doing at Carbyon. Direct air capture (DAC) has a lot of potential, risks too, but if it works it will alter the global equation for a much more positive outcome.”

Motivated by impact “You have to be brave, to dare to dream”
The people of Carbyon are intrinsically motivated by change, creating impact to any degree. For Luuk, the drive to pursue a greater purpose came after some scares with his physical health. He said: “I thought — ok, I don’t want to work for money. I don’t want to spend 40 hours of my week on something I don’t believe in.
“I stopped considering how much a role could make for me, but how much impact I could make within a role. That’s why I chose Carbyon.
“When I first joined I felt I could learn so much from the small group around me. I didn’t feel we lacked the knowledge, at least on a technical level. We had no idea where it would go, and although we’ve made so much progress, we still don’t know for sure.
“It takes a certain type of person to embrace that kind of uncertainty. It’s important to be proactive, to spot an issue and just start fixing it. You have to be able to handle change from every angle, and it’s even better if you like change,” he laughs. “I think, above all else, you have to be brave enough to believe in what you’re doing. You have to dare to dream.”
Driven by revolutionary tech “Solar Team Eindhoven was a big step out of my comfort zone”
Luuk studied mechanical engineering at Eindhoven University, it was broad, rational, fact-based and he loved to build. Though it began with an itch to satisfy a curious mind and active hands, it grew into a blazing adventure with Solar Team Eindhoven. “I was watching the World Solar Challenge every day in 2017 on national TV, and I found myself asking technical questions about the car’s design. In 2018, they were looking for a new team and gave a lecture in one of my classes.
“When I got accepted, I was still really doubtful about accepting, but it was too hard to say no. Nowadays, that memory always motivates me to come out of my comfort zone. It was a crazy ride that taught me so much, I made friends for life.” Being united in a collective vision still shines through Luuk’s work with Carbyon. “In the solar team, we knew each other inside-out. We were passionate about technology, society and climate change, motivated by the same cause. It’s, thankfully, much less intense, but I still work with that same sense of unity every day at Carbyon.”

The core elements of Luuk “I read with the goal of learning”

“I love to read non-fiction, my goal is always to try and learn. I’m currently reading ‘Originals’ by Adam Grant, a US Psychology Professor. It has some intersections with Carbyon, it’s about how creative ideas happen and the types of people behind them. Most of the time, bold ideas don’t come from the hyper-confident people, but the ones that were pushed or encouraged into the position, so had to take the reins and try. That resonates with me a lot.”

“I get out of bed really easily, and I like to start my day a certain way. During breakfast I read the notes I make on the books I read, that’s how I make sure I remember what I learn. I even process it in my note-taking app, I know that’s pretty specific,” laughs Luuk. “It boils down to the need to start the day being effective. I feel really good afterwards, it mentally energizes me for the day ahead.”

“As a child, I wanted to be a firefighter. My father was an on-call firefighter and ran the local fire department. As a kid I could see it made a big change in the world, so I guess that’s what really appealed to me. I ended up in an intellectual career that also makes a change, so not a bad compromise!”
Life at Carbyon Are you a unique species?
Just like Luuk, the people of Carbyon are unique. They often sit outside of convention, motivated by the improbable and comfortable in the gray space between innovation and imagination.
“We don’t always find clear answers in what we do”, reflects Luuk. “Sometimes we have to make decisions based on instinct rather than insight. I’m rational, so that can be a struggle.
“Thankfully, the diversity of the team, and our thinking, is absolutely huge and one of the most special things about working here.
“It’s not for people that aren’t comfortable with figuring things out as they go along, but for the ones excited by shaping the direction of their work, team and company, it’s a unique opportunity.”