Carbyon's technologies fuse chemistry, software, and various forms of engineering, but there's another crucial element at play. We couldn’t do any of it without a human touch. In a series that explores the heart and soul of our new-age company, get to know the people behind our trailblazing tech as they tell us what life with a startup is really like.

“In the past, I felt lonely. That’s the only downside of following instincts that pull you from the thinking around you. I’ve never once had that feeling at Carbyon, everyone embraces alternative thinking. We have a truly unique product, it’s how we got here.”
Cristiana Virone, Research & Development Manager
French mathematician and theoretical physicist, Henri Poincare, believed that through science we prove, but with intuition we discover. There's a fascinating notion — that we quantify and understand with the tool of science, but uncover it first with the human mind. Research & Development Manager Cristiana certainly uses human instinct as a guiding force in her research at Carbyon, and far beyond.
“Many people in my line of work rely solely on hard data. That’s fine, but I believe intuition, which stems from our survival instincts, is equally important.”
Cristiana is responsible for the development of our crucial sorbent and the processes that surround it. True of many startups, she wears a few other hats. As well as overseeing the Engineering Competency Group, Cristiana loves to contribute to Carbyon’s company culture.
“We plant seeds that keep us growing into the company we want to become,” says Cristiana. “That’s one of the special things about being here. Our vision is the same but our motivations differ, from the technology itself to the impact it will create. I envision a company built on robust values that reflect in everything we do.
Chemistry and culture “Diversity can only exist with inclusion"
Innovation is only skin deep, we’re also working hard to be good, as well as do good. That starts with our culture, and it’s very close to Cristiana’s heart. “Carbyon is a company taking great steps to be inclusive and empowering in every considered process, policy and detail. “We strive to be a place without hierarchy, with mutual trust and respect, where people feel fully included from the word go and can be their true selves. That’s inspiring, it’s the reason I’m here.
“After my PhD, I joined a large corporation. It was a great learning experience but I realized it wasn’t the right fit for me as a person. The lack of inclusion and diversity was an issue. I often felt different.
“Despite having a secure position, I felt isolated and missed a purpose. I longed for an adventure where I could contribute to society and build a company aligned with my values. That desire led me to leave the corporate world, after 17 years, for a startup and mission I believe in.”
Carbyon’s culture is the brainchild of all of its people. That’s part of the appeal for many, but doesn’t always run smoothly. “There’s plenty of room for different opinions,” says Cristiana, “but that gets difficult when we need to make decisions fast. “I can be impatient, I want to see progress, but I also want to ensure everyone feels heard. If not, then I feel I have failed. People tell me not to take things like that personally, but if I didn’t, I wouldn't care.
“That phrase, don’t take it personally, doesn’t really apply to me. I don’t think it ever has.”

Trusting the inner voice “I fell in love with scientific research and found home in the process"
Cristiana has always been pulled by a string she believes none should ignore. “Intuition is something everyone has, but following it takes courage. It’s important not to write it off as being irrational, it comes from our reptile brain to aid survival and fast thinking. “We use it at Carbyon in the absence of clear answers. For me that’s not difficult, I live by intuition,” smiles Cristiana, “but it can be for others and I understand why. Thankfully, I’m surrounded by fantastic, motivated people who trust the moves we make, even without understanding them completely.”
It’s not only in work that Cristiana hands the reins to her inner voice, it has been holding them for years. “I’ve always been extremely intuitive, though I didn’t understand it when I was younger. It led me to do everything, from studying chemical engineering to moving abroad.
“After graduating in Italy, I moved to Delft and fell in love with the city. I knocked on doors and ended up doing a PhD in crystallization — not an obvious choice. It was elusive, not something I could grasp with formulas. It felt more like an art than a real science.
“I got more interested in the subject, and it was during this time I also met my husband! Again, I seemed to know he would be the father of my children, despite coming from two different worlds. I just felt at home in the first hug. That’s intuition.”
Fighting Windmills “I was born free, and I will die free”
Ever heard of Don Quixote? A work of Spanish literature centered around a protagonist who becomes a vigilante knight. The book coined the phrase to ‘fight windmills’: facing imaginary or hidden evils. Cristiana says she has been fighting windmills at almost every turn. “I was born and raised in Sicily, in Southern Italy. The culture there is conservative, certainly compared to the Netherlands. It’s not known for its industry, its economy is not based on that. I love Sicily, but I knew I could not flourish there.
“The choice to study chemical engineering was conflicting. Though I excelled in technical subjects like mathematics, physics and chemistry; my dad worried that so few women worked in those fields. But it was my choice. My parents found it difficult when I moved away, but they also understood that, though I love them deeply, I had to follow my own path. “Most of my life I’ve taken unconventional routes and asked myself if I’m doing the right thing. I don’t regret any of my choices, that doesn’t mean that I haven’t made mistakes, but they have all made me happy.
“Freedom is something we should not take for granted. I believe we must win freedom and protect it, in order to live by it.”

Core elements of Cristiana “ I want to give my kids, and their kids, a better world ”

“While most children dreamt of fighting fires or flying through space, Cristiana envisioned an independent woman. “I realize that’s unusual,” laughs Cristiana, “but I just think women are powerful! Every person brings a unique energy to the world, and all humans have the capacity to be deeply nurturing, but it’s kind of a biological gift to women. It’s in our DNA. I always say to my daughter: I don’t mind what you do in life, I just want you to be independent and open-minded. You have the power and passion to do whatever you want.”

“I want to give my kids, Marcella (12) and Federico (14), a true experience of Italy, from the small villages to the cities, churches and festivals. It’s not about feeling Italian, they should feel however they want, more about an awareness of where we come from and finding peace in it. We all need to create moments to be present and slow life down, and a deep dive into Italian culture would be a nice way to do that. Until then, I create mindful moments for myself by just being close to nature in my backyard. Listening to the trees, smelling the air, being present.”

“In Sicily, water is a luxury. I’d take sparse, short showers only when necessary. Here, we have an abundance and I tell my kids constantly not to waste it because not everybody has it. I try to be an example by minimizing the use of plastic and reducing meat consumption. I teach my family these things, but I also look forward to learning from them. I would love that, if my kids suggested what we can do to make the world a bit better, I would simply love it!”
Life at Carbyon Seeking a technical role with a human touch?
Carbyon can be a rollercoaster, but the thrill of any ride lies in its dizzying peaks and plunging dips. “There are ups and downs here, you will be challenged every day.” “If you don’t have a dream of creating impact, it’s really tough. Today we have the money, tomorrow we may not. Today we’re hitting our targets, tomorrow we may not.
“You need a lot of mental resilience, and that comes from our passion to make the world better. It creates a barrier that keeps us focused and determined when things don’t go our way. And when they do, the high is beyond words.”
But Carbyon’s challenges aren’t all bad, says Cristiana, “don’t get me wrong, the challenges can be one of the good things about working here. I like to see them as the spice that keeps things interesting,” she smiles.