At Carbyon, we continuously pull answers from the gray space between trial and theory. We don’t always like those answers, but they do guarantee astounding growth. In a series that explores the heart and soul of our new-age company, get to know the people behind our trailblazing tech as they tell us what life with a startup is really like.

“Material science is about engineering. I get really excited by the potential of matter and the applications of certain materials. At Carbyon, I get to work with that excitement every day.”
Cristhal Alvarado, Research Associate

The “Monja Blanca”, or the White Nun Orchid, is the national flower of Guatemala. It mostly grows on other plants, like trees. Uniquely though, the Monja Blanca doesn’t affect the flora it grows on. It flourishes in harmony with the life around it, following cues that promise expansive, collective growth. Life at Carbyon isn't so different. Our people break convention, growing in directions no traditional development program could offer. “Our work takes us places we don’t expect, but that’s science," says Research Associate, Cristhal.
“That’s the excitement. What will the results be? Will they be good, will they be bad? We still want to know, we go wherever they take us.” And if that's off the beaten track, that's fine by Cristhal. As the machine owner of thermogravimetric analysis, she and her team have the important job of synthesizing the most effective material to capture CO₂. “I run experiments on the machines and setups we have here, synthesizing multiple versions of the same material type for the most effective results. When we synthesize a material, we really don’t know what it’s capable of, the smallest changes can result in huge impact. “Sometimes, what we see as defects even result in a high performance later on. That’s what we call serendipity.”
Chasing serendipity in science “An answer opens a door, even if it’s not the one you wanted.”
Cristhal doesn’t fear unexpected answers. Having studied in Guatemala, the US, and Taiwan before finding Carbyon, she learned that undesirable findings could be transformative treasures.
“When I studied in Taiwan there was a sign in front of my building that read: ‘Defects make materials perfect’, I found that fascinating and still do. A US professor reinforced that idea, I think that’s why I don’t fear results.
“He believed that serendipity — the accidents and mistakes made in research — are the biggest clue for important discoveries. So, you can imagine how I felt later when I heard Carbyon’s story!
“Hans, our CEO, discovered that a certain material captured CO₂ as an accidental side effect, and he built a whole company from it. I thought to myself: these are the types of discoveries I want to follow, these are the things that will inspire me every day.”
Cristhal says that the quest for answers makes learning at Carbyon even more powerful. “Work like this comes with a lot of troubleshooting, which can be a challenge,” she pauses. “Actually, I love troubleshooting!” She laughs.
“When things are running smoothly, great, you get the measurements done, but it’s only in troubleshooting that we learn about our machines. It’s like life, when you have a problem twice, you solve it better the second time. We keep evolving together, that’s a good feeling”

Thriving in the light of others “I’m inspired by the people that raised me.”
Innovation isn't easy. Our work sends us soaring into human struggle, and though we learn a lot from our technologies, we learn more from each other. "I’ve been lucky to be surrounded by inspiring people all my life, including here at Carbyon,” says Cristhal. “I think that’s important to grow into your full potential.” Cristhal tells us that inspirational role models have always meant strong roots for her to thrive. “I was raised in Guatemala, it’s a beautiful country, but unfortunately a lot of sexism still exists there.
“Women are often taught to be economically dependent on men and to aspire only to be wives and mothers. That wasn’t the case for me and my sister because we had incredible role models in our mother and grandmother.
“There, it’s traditional that both parents work so you spend a lot of time with grandparents. Our grandmother practically raised us and despite being oppressed all of her life, she taught her daughters and granddaughters that we were more than marriages.
“Their bravery became the foundation for the two strong women my sister and I became. Because of them, we faced the world determined to study and grow into the people we wanted to be. I am the second generation in my family to get a Bachelor's degree and the first to get a Masters.
“There are also not many chemists in Guatemala,” reflects Cristhal, “I was in small classes of seven people, so our professors gave us a lot of attention. They instilled even more ambition to make changes in the world beyond our course. I’m always grateful for that.”
Roots in conscious chemistry “I love that you can transform matter and give it purpose”
Cristhal is passionate about positive impact, a common theme at Carbyon. For many, that stems from studies, life experiences or careers, but Cristhal says it’s been with her for as long as she can remember.
“In Guatemala, we’re close to nature. The original name of Guatemala was ‘Quauhtlemallan’, which means 'place of many trees'.
“I grew up with the feeling that we must find balance with nature and it was reinforced in my studies. Guatemalan academics aspire to do chemistry in an environmentally friendly way.
“There’s a practice called ‘green chemistry’ popular there, meaning work doesn’t over-produce waste and avoids harmful agents. I try to bring that consciousness into my everyday choices by avoiding one-use products and trying not to create waste. Everyone holds power in their choices, I really believe that. “At Carbyon, we are producing technology that cleans the air, but it’s not only air pollution we need to tackle. The atmosphere is being contaminated but so are our oceans and soils. We acknowledge it’s all connected, what we’re doing is one important element of a very big picture.”

Core elements of Cristhal “I wanted to dig for treasures, in a way I still do”

“When I was little I went to the Mayan Temples and learned that many are still underground. Seeing those structures was seeing my culture. I wanted to be one of the people making discoveries about us, going to places where few have been. I’m happy to have discovery in my work with Carbyon, now!”

“Playing music originally began with the violin. I couldn’t take my violin to Taiwan with me, so I took my ukulele and it’s been following me ever since. I play a little bit of everything on it, but there is one song I love as it’s also my fiance's favorite song to hear me play, it’s called ‘Para Aprender a Quererte’, by Morat.”

“Osaka is my Belgian Shepherd who lives with my in-laws in Portugal. He loves solving puzzles and going on adventures with us. If we could bring him anywhere in the world I would take him to New Zealand because I love Lord of the Rings and that’s where it was mostly filmed. There’s even a place called Hobbitenango in Guatemala! I’d take him there too.”
Life at Carbyon Looking for a mission to grow into?
The people of Carbyon grow organically, rapidly, with the mission and technologies that write a brighter future for the planet. Reflecting on life at Carbyon, Cristhal remarks that’s what makes it special, but it’s also not for those who aren’t up for a challenge. “A new colleague here asked me: ‘How long does it take to find your feet and get a good rhythm of work?’ Honestly, for me, it was barely a month. You’re just learning so fast, the rhythm is based on deadlines and results. You have to be really adaptable at a startup because you’re moving from one thing to the next.
“There’s rarely previous material to review to prepare yourself or get answers. If you can be creative and use your imagination to think your way through problems, you’ll enjoy it here.”